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Lee - Company Director

When Steve and I set up The St Neots Cleaning Company Ltd, nearly 17 years ago, we had no idea where the journey was going to take us. We were prepared for hard work and we were excited to be in charge of our own destiny, free to make our own choices…and probably a few mistakes too.

One thing that we both knew, and felt with a passion, was what our company philosophy was to be about. It was to be the best and the most reliable cleaning company available locally. To put the client right at the centre of a domestic cleaning service, with exceptional standards and a level of total reliability not seen in the local area.

After all this time, and with many staff now in our employ to take on this mantle of service, this is still our company philosophy.


From a more practical standpoint I have always had an exceptional eye for detail and a willingness to work hard. A bit of OCD never goes amiss when you are cleaning too! As part of my background is in face to face customer interaction it was always natural that I would head up the standards and training side of the business. Though these days I am largely, behind the scenes, with our excellent and capable managers Sally and Karen, having stolen most of my hands on work from me!

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